Roald Dahl day actually on 13sept
Who is Roald Dahl?
Roald Dahl was a British novelist, short story writer, poet,
screenwriter, and fighter pilot. His books have sold more than 250
million copies worldwide.
History of Roald Dahl Day
Roald Dahl has a truly amazing history, and it all started in 1916 in Cardiff, Wale, where he was born to Norwegian parents Sofie Magdalene Dahl and Harald Dahl. He lost both his sister and his father at the age of three, but his mother chose to remain in Wales to honor his father wishes that he be educated in British schools. From there he continued to Repton School in Derbyshire, where one of his most important works would be conceived. Cadbury regularly sent chocolate bars to the school to be tested by the students, which led to Roald having dreams of creating a chocolate bar so delicious that Mr. Cadbury would praise it. If you guessed this was the origins of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory you’re dead on.
you may not know is that he went on to be a Fighter Ace during WWII,
and had a long and distinguished career in which he fought in some of
the most significant air battles of the war. Ultimately he started
experiencing severe headaches that prevented him from flying, and spent
the rest of his career working as a diplomat, writer, and intelligence
officer. It was during this time that he wrote The Gremlins his
first children’s book, and it was written for Walt Disney Productions
to promote a full-length film that remained unmade. From there on out he
continued writing prolifically, creating some of the most popular
stories in history.
Now to celebrate the Roald Dahl day, we do an activities such as reading story book that written by Roald Dahl, Roald Dahl treasure hunt also we want opinion from students about Roald do they think Roald Dahl.
until then
Introducing Children to Theater
the third KL International Arts Festival includes
Theatre for Children
“The show combines comedy and pathos, mime, magic and sleight of hand, shadow puppetry, film and sound in an exemplary and enchanting mix…The sheer amount of invention is staggering.” – The Mercury, Australia
“Letter’s End is consummate entertainment. This is a piece of theatre that gets more interesting the more you think about it. It is intricately conceived and effortlessly executed.” – Australian Stage
Mops sneeze, storks swoop in bearing gifts, trees grow out of shoes and long-lost letters tell their stories. The magic starts when an old toy falls out of a torn parcel and one man's life is changed forever.
Acclaimed theatre clown, Wolfe Bowart, who made his Malaysian debut at KLIAF 2016 with the enchanting LaLaLuna, returns with the Helpmann Award-nominated Letter's End. Weaving together his signature mix of physical comedy, illusion, shadow puppetry and interactive film, Bowart leads audiences of all ages on a dream-like journey down a most magical memory lane.
Cut the string, tear open the brown paper and enter the realm of the fantastic. The adventure begins here!
Bon Voyage!
16 & 17 Sep; 23 & 24 Sep
2:00 p.m.
Extra show on 23 Sep (courtesy of EUNIC)
6:00 p.m.
KTM Old Railway Station - 75 minutes, No interval
Free Entry
Limited to 90 people per show, on a first-come, first-served basis.
What about exhibitions - art, scupture and photography?
the Jinleng exhibition is accompanied by workshops and talks.I. Intuition, blindfold workshops – Listen. Clay.Work with clay to produce objects of art. Make something using your intuition! The workshop will be managed by a team of facilitators.
II. Science and art knowledge. Understand what is pin-hole camera is and learn how to make one. All under the guidance of a team of facilitators.
Ceritera features some of South East Asia's best image makers. if there is a group interested, we will see if our Curator can walk you through a guided tour.
hye peeps!
Long time no see hah-aha..(I even wonder would anyone miss me😂)poyo. Topik pada hari ini ialah time traveller watch from touch n go.
Okay,jam ini sebenarnya adalah jam touch n go kerana jam ini ada slot untuk simcard touch n go. Setiap kali anda hendak menggunakan touch n go, sentuhkan sahaja permukaan jam tersebut ke papan touch n go. Bagus untuk kegunaan harian seperti menaiki lrt,ktm,tol dan semua yang memerlukan kad touch n go.Senang bukan..
soo cool! boleh letak dalam wishlist ni..menarik juga utk can watch the video here
for more information.
Long time no see hah-aha..(I even wonder would anyone miss me😂)poyo. Topik pada hari ini ialah time traveller watch from touch n go.
Okay,jam ini sebenarnya adalah jam touch n go kerana jam ini ada slot untuk simcard touch n go. Setiap kali anda hendak menggunakan touch n go, sentuhkan sahaja permukaan jam tersebut ke papan touch n go. Bagus untuk kegunaan harian seperti menaiki lrt,ktm,tol dan semua yang memerlukan kad touch n go.Senang bukan..
soo cool! boleh letak dalam wishlist ni..menarik juga utk can watch the video here
for more information.
1.MEMBERITAHU ORANG LAIN- Segera beritahu orang lain di rumah jika tanda – tanda kebakaran terlihat di rumah Anda, misalnya ada percikan api yang membesar. Jangan tunggu hingga alarm pada detektor asap berbunyi. Saat api mulai membesar, usahakan untuk bergerak keluar daripada rumah dan bukan mencuba untuk lari bilik atau ruangan lain dalam rumah yang dipenuhi asap atau api.
2. SAVE NOMBOR TELEFON KECEMASAN SEBAGAI FAST DIAL- Pastikan anda meletakkan nombor telefon kecemasan 999 di speed dial anda. Mereka sentiasa bersedia untuk sebarang kejadian yang tidak diduga
3.PERIKSA PINTU - Api dapat timbul dari balik pintu yang tertutup tanpa terlihat. Maka, hati – hatilah dalam melewati pintu untuk menyelamatkan diri. Pastikan untuk memeriksa setiap pintu sebelum membukanya, caranya dengan meletakkan belakang tangan anda pada permukaan pintu dan tombol pintu. Jika anda merasa panas, jangan buka pintu. Sebaliknya, cuba cari jalan alternatif untuk melarikan diri, seperti tingkap Jika pintu tidak terasa panas, buka pintu secara perlahan-lahan dan pastikan tidak ada awan tebal asap sepanjang jalan anda melarikan diri
3.MENUTUP WAJAH ANDA- Menutup wajah dengan baju atau kain basah bagi mengelakkan asap daripada memasuki paru-paru anda
4.BERJALAN MERANGKAK ATAU MENUNDUK- Asap dan panas boleh merebak engan cepatnya. jadi jalan yang paling selamat ialah dengan merangkak.Ini bagi mengelakkan anda terhidu daripada asap
5.MENUTUP PINTU- Setelah berjaya memasukki kawasan lain di dalam rumah anda,pastikan anda menutup pintu serta meletakkan kain di bawah pintu bagi mencegah asap memasukki ruangan bilik yang anda duduki
6. LETAKKAN KUNCI DUPLICATE DI BILIK TIDUR- Kebanyakkan kes kebakaran adalah disebabkan grill di bahagian tingkap yang menyebabkan mangsa tidak dapat menyelamatkan diri. Oleh itu sentiasa meletakkan kunci grill die dalam bilik tidur anda. Jika anda terpaksa keluar melalui grill tingkap at least anda sudah bersedia dengan kunci

Ini merupakan salah satu emergency needs yang perlu disediakan di rumah. Selimut ini berfungsi untuk memadamkan api kecil. Anda boleh cek di link shopee ini