Title: Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library
Author: Chris Grabentein
Format: Paperback
Pages: 304 pages
ISBN: 9780375870897
Lucky Kyle wins a coveted spot to be one of the first 12 kids in the library for an overnight of fun, food, and lots and lots of games. But when morning comes, the doors remain locked. Kyle and the other winners must solve every clue and every secret puzzle to find the hidden escape route. And the stakes are very high.
In this cross between Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and A Night in the Museum, Agatha Award winner Chris Grabenstein uses rib-tickling humor to create the perfect tale for his quirky characters. Old fans and new readers will become enthralled with the crafty twists and turns of this ultimate library experience
This was an altogether fun read!!!
Our protagonist is Kyle Keeley the younger brother to overachieving Curtis and sports star,Mike. After lost in their limelight, Kyle finally get a chance to shine as he takes part in the library escape. I won't tell anymore about the game and the characters, but I will say, I love the main idea in this book. The fortify of the idea that reading is a rewarding activity and it clearly stated that those who do not cheat, honest will be rewarded than the one who take short cuts.
Reading this book it's like you reading Charlie and the Chocolate factory just without the creepy oompa-loompa's and it takes place in an awesome library. The puzzles and mysteries were fantastically well-placed. I'm amused by how clever the way Dewey Decimal Classification system was used in this book.
Wonderful, imaginative and creative story line which reminded me why I still love to read children's book.