I would like to invited everyone to join my very first GA! yeayyyy😄..I already post it at my ig and i think i should tell my beloved followers here also..Feel free to join my GA..let me tell you a little bit about my GA...it all started when i always got confused which angpau belong to whom..so that i come out with an ideas...

Annyeonghaseyo (안녕하세요) Dominos's Pizza sweet & spicy samyeang sauce been inspired by Malaysians love for food and cultured especially for Koreans lovers. Even though I'm not a kipas susah mati K-POP but yeah I love SPICY!Did you know that Domino's Pizza had come out with its Samyeang pizza and Ayam-haseyo recently and the products laku keras regarding the overwhelming response from pizza lover....

Hello peeps! Arini AD nak ajar macam mana nak buat bantal kereta sendri..haaa customized sket baru rasa bantal tu lebih beharga kan..yang ni AD buat untuk letak dalam kereta sndri..saja nak cntikkan dalam kereta sbb rasa kosong je kan.Jangan risau cara nak buat bantal ni senang je tau..jom kite tgk items yang diperlukan. ITEMS Gunting kain felt fiber jarum peniti benang template(gambar) CARA-CARA...