Soon after legendary kung fu star Jackie Chan is invited to adopt a beloved zoo panda named Hu Hu, a notorious international crime syndicate sets its sights on the bear and offers a massive bounty for his capture. Faced with this sudden crisis, Jackie enlists the help of his agent and Hu Hu's fiercely dedicated caretaker, leading the trio on an outrageous and unforgettable adventure as they seek to outsmart-and outkick-the bad guys at every turn.
Although Panda Plan is primarily meant for younger audiences, action scenes abound to provide entertainment for everybody. The animated combat scenes' choreography is influenced by Jackie Chan in many ways. It seems like a clear homage to Chan's own martial arts approach in the way Bao navigates challenging circumstances by making inventive and humorous use of his surroundings.
My favourite part is when Jackie Chan being captured by the enemy and how the relationship between enemies to friends change in seconds.
The animation is rich and colorful, perfectly portraying the forest's natural beauty and variety of species. The animation of Bao's motions, especially in the action sequences, has remarkable attention to detail, which gives the character more realism.
Overall this is the must watch movie if you a fan of Jackie. This movie won't disappoint you even though some scenes feel like nonsense to me, but if you just want to chill, this is the right movie for you.
Lakonan Jackie Chan, memang menarik untuk ditonton ni.
BalasPadamiyea kelakar sgt
PadamBest citer ni sebab jacky chan apalagi panda tu pun macam kelakor je. Jacky chan memang best
BalasPadamyea awak, kene tgk ni
PadamThis sounds like it would be really fun to watch!
BalasPadamthe creation of beauty is art.
yes..it is a comedy movie
PadamTak kisah cerita apa, kalau ada Jacky Chan mesti best. Panda tu pun lawak jugakk
BalasPadamkannn sebab tu tgk..panda lawak mase die kentut hahaha
Padamteringat pula masa jackie chan nyanyi lagu I wiil follow you
BalasPadamkannn tapi da nampak da die tua dalam movie ni
PadamLegend is back. Nanti naim nak cari movie ini hehe