
10 Blogging mistakes to avoid

By anakdenesor - Mac 04, 2021

10 Mistakes to avoid for new blogger꘡ Blogging use to be different back then. It's like a trend, like youngsters that time famous with Twitter, Myspace, same goes with Blog. Now the situation might be different. People tend to get money by writing and doing a review. However, to get the audience, or perhaps your potential clients you might consider to check 10 mistakes that you should avoid especially for a new blogger. Below are common mistakes most beginners make and some tips on how to avoid them.

1. Mistake: You think of ideas that only interest you

Remember that, you're not the ONLY reader to your blog. Don't pour too much personal information unless you're an artist or public figure. People tend to get bored while reading your blog and might not visit your blog again.


Solution: Depends on your purpose of writing. If you blogging for fun, then it's okay to share everything with your readers. But if you want to archive something bigger then think again about your purpose. 


2.Mistake: Your writing is too stiff

I have been browsing a lot of blogs. I have noticed that each blog that I been visit contains their won strength. Their own charisma, but some of the blog makes me feels like reading an exam paper. If you keep that style, believe me, people won't even try to read the whole page and they just skip to the comment section.


Solution: Write like you talk. So loosen up your writing, avoid using the jargon. Add on a pun or two. People will feel more relax and that's how u should do it.


 3. MistakeYou digress

Sometimes you too excited to share everything with the audience. You tend to make your point again and again. Remember don't overdo it. Even though you are encouraged to let your personality shine but not the first 3 paragraph only about you.


Solution: Restate your point in every section of the article. Expressing it multiple times in small ways from beginning to end.


4. MistakeTypos everywhere

I used to do this when I just started my blog. I'm so eager to write and I typing fast and don't even bother to check my spelling. Now I being driven mad if seeing errors everywhere, but I'm still learning and improving through time especially grammar.


Solution: Breathe and take a moment to check your article. Make sure the spelling is correct. Sometimes after I publish it only I realized it's okay you can always edit your post. Just make sure there is any typo.


 5. MistakeToo many short form and weird accent

Avoid using any weird language that you have been created. I don't know youngster right now tend to use a word that you have to think in order to understand those words, or I called it "wechat" language. They like to modify the words for example:

C2ac =situasi or 11nya= satu-satu nya

Solution: Come on, I doubt that your readers will be from WeChat users. Please use proper language. If you want to use short-form make sure the one that you use is universal understanding. 

6. Mistake: You relying on conceptual instead of concrete.

Give your audience something to walk away with. People will browse for information. You blogging to share an experience that could help solve the problem of others. Same as Google. We're using Google because we want answers right.


Solution: When you're done posting something, perhaps you could asking yourself these questions

"Will they get something from my post?"

"Did they know how to do it?" 

"Did my post give any benefit to them?"


 7. MistakeYou not giving enough information.

You not adding enough text. Sometimes you just let your readers hanging like that or perhaps you just put the picture alone and assuming that your reader can understand it. It's not okay actually unless you doing wordless Wednesday, that will exceptional.


Solution: Please spend some time drafting your article. I know sometimes you want to maintain the stats of your blog so that you have to post it daily and because of that, you just post whatever that you have. Please change your mindset. People tend to get bored if they just look at the picture without details. Don't leave your audience with a question. Don't let them hang.


8. MistakeYou don't blog consistently.

Probably you have heard that the more you blog, the more traffic you will get, but it doesn't matter if you post daily for one week then doing a comeback after a month. It doesn't work like that. You will lose your subscribers if you do like that.


Solution: Create a schedule plan for a blog post. There are plenty of online trackers that can help you with scheduling your blog post such as https://www.notion.so


9. Mistake: You don't use data as evidence. 

Sometimes you have to use data to back up the claims that you make in your post. Some serious topic such as economy or statistic needs some evidence of data so that people get the picture about what are you talking about. 


Solution: Use data to support your arguments. You can put data in your blog posts to introduce your main argument and show why it's relevant to your reader or as proof of it throughout the body of the post.

10. MistakeYour content consists of plagiarism

Don't think that plagiarism happens only at school only. Sometimes without you realize that you are actually plagiarist some of the other's ideas from another blog. Writing without telling where you get the source can be claimed as plagiarism. Don't be a copy cat.


Solution: Give credit when needed. It won't harm you by giving credit to the owner, plus it is a respectful and noble thing to do.


I hope you will get some idea about how you can improving your blog post.

*Credit to https://blog.hubspot.com for some of the points above 


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  1. Other yang I noticed is the mix of fonts and colours in a post.. ╯︿╰

    Kadang-kadang pening sister baca 😅

    1. hahahah kan..biasanya guna warna utk differentiate the point je..tapi kalau jns font pon berbeza beza..pening la juga haha

  2. Terima kasih , banyak tip yang berguna bagi Naim. yes kekadang idea cepat kering menjadi entri pendek sangat. huhu

    1. tu la..AD pon macam tu tapi at least make sure dalam 3 paragraph ke..xde la pendek sgt entry nya

  3. I like point number 6. I always asking myself, do I give any benefits to others?

    1. mula mula AD tak fikir pon macam tu..then suddenly AD fikir, like kita usually read sbb nak gain knowledge kan, so from that moment AD try to put input yang boleh bg info klau tak banyak at least sikit pon jadi la

  4. Tq sharing!! Mmg berguna sgt tips2 ni... Forme, blogging x yah la serius sgt.. Kdg bosan baca artikel pnjg2 n too formal 👌 hehe.. Mcm sis, im kind of simple person so i love to read simple2 entry but informative.. Cara penulisan yg sempoi2 je.. X yah mcm tulisan karangan utk exam plak hahah... Mmg ako baca je la pastu hai hai bai bai.. 😅

    1. kan! bende biasa je pon tapi die punya ayat kemain kaku..hahah klo AD biasany utk review kne la serious sket ayat tapi xde la kaku benar..hahaha..kdang nk baca sendiri pon x lalu

  5. hahaha my mistake mungkin dekat no. 2 tu sebab pernah ada yang komplen tapi tu lah, dah biasa macam tu so susah jugak nak ubah haha

    1. tapi rasanya okey je blog fana, sebab most of the time fana review movie kan, jadi ayat mmg kne serius sket..hahah..maybe klo nak tukar pon part yg point of view kita tu..tu la susah nk ubah..rasa mcm jdi orang lain pula

  6. Blog Ai mesra pembaca tak? Hahaha! kadang-kadang bila ada orang judge baru perasan apa yang tak bagus kat blog kita.

    1. hahaha Ai punya blog okay so far loading laju, template kemas then AD suka part Ai letak details utk certain things like klo buat aktiviti tu ade Ai sertakan lokasi and info kawasan tu.

  7. Please check your grammar before you post your article.

  8. Ammi blog for fun..macam malas nak ada commitment yang mana i have to write on daily basis. So gaya cerita pun ikut suka mak-mak je hahah

    1. same la kite..tak terikat sangat kan..suka hati je nk tulis macam mana kan

  9. font too small and blog too bright and to white pun sakit mata juga, kita yang nak baca ni kena tenung betul2

    1. betul klo font kecik ni adoi rasa macam nk zoom je bagi besar.Pastu kena pulak dengan blog yg ade music.. masuk2 je terkejut mak.

  10. Thanks for the tips. It is so great to know these kind of tips..
    rasa semalam buka blog ni header gambar lain..harini gambar lain..hehehe

    1. hahahah saje tukar..sbb header yg dulu tu cam besar sgt je

  11. My blogging mistake is deleting my blog recklessly without even think far hahaha pastu tetiba rinduu nk blogging. Then blogwalking ja lah mampu hahaha..

    Btw, keep on inspiring yaa :) Good luck AD!

    1. lah! patot la aritu kite bw xjumpapulak blog nya..igtkan tukar nama blog..buat la new blog..suka suka je hehe

  12. good reference AD! kadang banyak dgr podcast dr problogger dgn hubspot ni, banyak info bagus untuk para blogger. dengar dan praktis gitu...

    1. kan..diaorg macam professional kan..suka baca.

  13. Balasan
    1. sama la kak, sebab tu kejap muncul kejap ilang heheh

  14. mama ni mmg sejenis blogger syok sendiri. tq AD bg tips ni

  15. i blog to share my hobbies.. hehehe..
    TQ tau kongsi pasal ini.. input yang bagus..

  16. Tq Sharing AD..shida ni kena train diri..walau join GA pun shida akan buat skurg2 2 ke 3 perenggan..merepek la ape pun hahaa ^_^

  17. No.8 tu.. tak konsisten hehe bulan ni busy sikit jadi kurang sikit spend time masa untuk create entry and blogwalking.. maaf laa

  18. Thanks for the tips Ad. Pembaca ni macam-macam. Ada yang suka begini, ada yang suka begitu. Jadi kita tak dapat nak puaskan hati semua pembaca. Short form mistake yang tak patut buat sebab bukan message, ruang menulis pun unlimited :)

  19. Wahh thanks for the tips!!

    AD, blog Cik TK okay ke? Kadang Cik TK ada rasa macam penulisan agak skema, but that's me in reality actually.

    Tapi bila cakap pasal ni, pernah juga Cik TK jumpa ada blog tu guna highlight pelbagai warna dalam satu entri. Pening membacanya.

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