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Odyssey Books:
Title: bernice takes a pludge
Author: Ann harth
Format: ebook
Author: Ann harth
Format: ebook

*I received this copy in exchange for an honest review
This book suitable for key stage 2& 3 (8 until 12 years old). I know I'm not as "young" as recommended age but as a librarian, I would read any books that I would think my students will love it. This is a cute story about the main character, Bernice Peppercorn who loves to investigate. She has powerful imagination as a young kid who curious about everything. Bernice has a pure heart, she wants to help people who in needs even though there are a few occasions that sweet Bernice misinterpret. A brave little girl will make sure that she will carry her notebook everywhere she goes because for her everything could lead to crimes so she better prepare first.
The story began with a scene Bernice and her annoying brother having some fight. The author really knows how to relate the story with real life. One after one little accidents happens in Bernice's life. A disappearing sock, a celebrity in town, an intriguing theft, a strange fisherman with a wooden leg, and a mysterious island. A fisherman with a wooden leg definitely caught my attention. I mean hello! it's like some sort of pirates story who have peg leg and somehow it reminds me of captain hook the antagonist from Peter Pan movie.
The story began with a scene Bernice and her annoying brother having some fight. The author really knows how to relate the story with real life. One after one little accidents happens in Bernice's life. A disappearing sock, a celebrity in town, an intriguing theft, a strange fisherman with a wooden leg, and a mysterious island. A fisherman with a wooden leg definitely caught my attention. I mean hello! it's like some sort of pirates story who have peg leg and somehow it reminds me of captain hook the antagonist from Peter Pan movie.
Fantastic story! Every little details of the adventure settings dragged me into the scene.
One thing that I can relate to my students that, every day they tend to lose something same as Bernice, who always tend to lose her hat. I like the part when Bernice said that her mom gonna glue the hat to her head because she always losing the hat. LOL. The story grows when a celebrity Crystal Bell being robbed and Bernice want to solve the mystery. She team up with Ike, a fisherman with a wooden leg. At first I suspect Ike as a the masterpiece behind the robbery, turns out I'm wrong. *Never judge people based on their appearance. Strong friendship that been shown through this story make it as perfect story to be tell to kids. Full of good lessons that can be take from this story.
overall ⭐⭐⭐⭐ over ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ because of Bernice lack of judgement when she suspect a man that bringing a some sort of bomb in brief case. She could be more sensitive about judgement of scene. What if whatever that she thinks actually happening? Would she be in trouble.
hahaha, her mom wanna glue the hat... thats funny...
BalasPadamha tu la pasal..asyik hilang je topinya tu geram mak die haha
Padambuku kanak2 mmg suka dibaca pendek n menarik
BalasPadamaah betul. pendek pendek pastu semua lawak
PadamThis sounds like a really good children's book! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on it!
BalasPadamthe creation of beauty is art.
Yeah and it's funny tho!
PadamNice :)
BalasPadamcute story
Padam4 star dah ok sangat, sebagai penulis mesti dia happy ;)
BalasPadamaah die ada komen dekat ig heheh
PadamLove the character already hahah comelnya Bernice!
BalasPadamdapat imagine tau blonde girl yang selalu buat masalah haha
Padamcerita2 penyiasatan kanak2 mmg best..
BalasPadamtu la, klo buku dewsa ni macam dah complicated sgt
PadamHahaha.. samalh dengan kak sha.. bantai je baca buku apa pun.. Tak follow pun umur tu.. kikiki..
BalasPadamJanji buku tu bestkan AD..