Homemade mash potatoes ꘡ Satur-Cook-Day again!!!! So as usual I will talk about food!recipe! yeah. Recently I'm craving for Ikea meatballs.. Urghh so yummy and juicy and the gravy just nice..Dammit!As an initiative because i'm afraid to go to IKEA since that area become red zone, I try to make my own mash potato and the meatball, I bought from Tesco and i'm using "Ramly" brand. The taste as delicious as IKEA meatball. You should try it.
Part I - Mash Potatoes
- 4 potatoes
- butter (3 spoons)
- Black pepper
- White pepper
- milk
- Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Add potatoes and cook until tender but still firm, about 15 minutes; drain.
- In a small saucepan heat butter and milk over low heat until butter is melted
- Slowly blend milk mixture into potatoes until smooth and creamy. Season with salt and pepper to taste. (i'm just mash the potatoes using fork)

Part II - Black Pepper Gravy
- 1 onion (dice cut)
- 2 cloves garlic
- 4 spoon of butter
- 2 spoon of flour
- 2 chicken cube
- Black pepper
- 2 and half cup of water
- Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Add on flour.
- Whisk in flour and continue cooking until turn in to brownies colour, about 5 minutes
- Pour water bit by bit then turn off the gas and put everything into a blender. Blend until it smooth
- Turn on the stove and cook again over medium heat
- Add on Chicken cube, black pepper and cook until the mixtures become thicken. remove from heat
Tadaaaa..you should try it.
wow rajinnya sedap tu
BalasPadamInteresting! Nampak macam mudah
BalasPadamoption for lunch! yay!! thank you sharing the resepi
BalasPadamI used to make my own mashed potatoes.
BalasPadamOk, I will try to make meatballs.
Sedap dan mudah juga nak buat. Tapi disebabkan saya kurang gemar mashed potatoes. Jadinya akan buat bila ada orang request je. ��
BalasPadamThanks for your recipe 😊
BalasPadamBoleh try ni. Ada se-bag potatoes akk beli kelmarin. Plan nak buat bergedil :)
BalasPadamThis looks delicious!
BalasPadamthe creation of beauty is art.
omo thanks for the recipe 💛 will use it whenever i craving
BalasPadamwow sedapnya. masak sendiri lagi puas hati tq for recipe
BalasPadamWah, lezatnyaaaa ...
BalasPadamTerlebih ada campuran daging ayamnya nih.
Thanks resepnya ya.
sedap, nanti buat coleslaw sekali lagi best macam ala-ala makan kfc hehehe
BalasPadamRajinnya buat! :)
BalasPadamPenat time nak lenyek kentang tu.
BalasPadamhu hu hu aida skang guna mash potato instant aje.
BalasPadamhmmm pemalas, kan?
bukan le susah naw nak buat. tapi tu la :) ha ha ha...
nak keje senang.
rasa nak makan pulak tengah mash nie..
BalasPadamtadi baharu saya beli kentang mentah
Wah, sedapnya. Rajin betul AD memasak yer
BalasPadamSedapnya mash potato..