G18, Jaya Shopping Centre, Jalan Professor Khoo Kay Kim, Seksyen 14, 46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Serai ⎸This restaurant located at ground floor at Jaya shopping center. This is my first time eating here. This restaurant is authentic traditional Malay cuisine.The food was absolutely wonderful, from preparation to presentation, very pleasing. At first I thought the meal is "biasa-biasa" but then i was really enjoying it.Delicious! The portion of 1 meal is a lot suitable for 2 persons. It was a nice meal but bear in mind that the price of the food here is a bit expensive.
Serai iced tea |
Nasi kerabu..Yummy! RM27 |
Love the interior decorations.Nice and cosy place for a quick meal and friendly banter among friends. If you craving for traditional Malay cuisine you should try this restaurant.
Overall i give 

Yes it is quite expensive.
BalasPadamkan..nasib la food die sedap
PadamMenu yang menarik 👍👍👍
BalasPadamtu la..macam macam ada..rasa nak makan semua je
PadamKay jaya ye. Shah Alam pun Ada Restoran serai tapi X sure Sama ke x
BalasPadameh yeake?nak cari la nanti
Padamalamak, terteleng kepala nak tengok gambar menu tu..nampak selesa dan sedap hidangan tu. menu book dia lawaaa
BalasPadamhahhaaha lupa nak rotate gamabar..heheh..kan menu book die cntik..exclusive gitu
Padamdeko dia agak menarik.. makanan pun nampak sedap..
BalasPadamsedap kak sha..meh datang sini kite lepak hahah