Annyeonghaseyo (안녕하세요)
Dominos's Pizza sweet & spicy samyeang sauce been inspired by Malaysians love for food and cultured especially for Koreans lovers. Even though I'm not a kipas susah mati K-POP but yeah I love SPICY!Did you know that Domino's Pizza had come out with its Samyeang pizza and Ayam-haseyo recently and the products laku keras regarding the overwhelming response from pizza lover. Consider of that situation,Domino's has come out with......Sweet and spicy Samyeang sauce! I'm one of the blogger that been invited to the event to trial out the sauce.
Domino's Pizza come out with 3 types of flavours which is Samyeang chicken pizza, Samyeang Tuna pizza and samyeang beef pizza. According to my list 1-10 for the spiciness which means 1 is less spicy and 10 very spicy , Samyeang beef pizza is no 8!so for those who really looked for something new,you should try this flavour. Meanwhile for another two pizza i give 5,in the middle.
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Samyeang Beef pizza |
Honestly? It have the strong piquant flavour,a bit of spicy and sweet especially for beef flavour that will keep you wanting for more. For me, the spiciness come after I finished the slice of pizza not while I'm eating it..perhaps because I'm having high toleration with the spiciness. The moment you bite it you can taste the sweet,spicy and a little bit sour but it's just nice for me.
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Valid until JUNE 2018 ONLY! |
- Domino's took around 6 months to complete the process of creating that sauce. They put a lot of efforts to make sure the sauce retains the original korean flavors.
- The Samyeang sauce bottle is now AVAILABLE! @RM19.90 for add-on purchase and RM24.90 for a la carte purchase
- Every tuesday you can enjoy the deal of one personal size Samyeang only for RM3.90! when you order it online and takeaway meanwhile RM4.90 when you walk in.
- There also side dish such as Ayamhaseyo, baked chicken wings also coated with samyeang sauce.
- Valid on limited time only!
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Other than that,did you know that you can dip in the sauce while you eating your snack for example keropok or spring roll. Kinda interesting right. I'm among the one who lucky to witnesses the creation of dish using the Samyeang sauce. The honorable guest which is Kak Lin is the one who responsible to demonstrate the cooking session.
This is the proof that you can use the Samyeang sauce in your normal dish. As you can see, she using the sauce while cooking fried noodle, the best part is you no need to add on another spices or salt because everything is complete in the sauce could replace any normal spices that you used before...this is based on the speech from to kak great is that.!
Now,for Domino's pizza lovers, Domino's having a contest they called as The#Samyeang Challange. How to participate?
The#Samyeang Challange
- Add on the Samyeang Sauce to your everyday meal,such as ayam masak merah,fried ikan bawal ,anything depends on your interest
- Share with Domino's the process of creating your dish and upload a photo or video of the dish to Facebook & Instagram using the hashtag #Samyeangkan #SAmyeang & DominosMY
- The most creative food or recipe stands a chance to WIN RM200 worth of Domino's Pizza product
- Dateline of the contest will until 26 April 2018
nampak sedap dan lazat semuanya.
BalasPadambetul tu semua menarik
Padamwaduh waduhhh nampak sedap bangatt! lagi lagi yang samyeang beef pizza tu <3
BalasPadamheheh bole cuba personal punya..hari selasa yea dapat murah
PadamSeriously memang rata2 cakap rasa dia power semacam hahah :3 yang malangnya tu,Hana yang tak try lagi hohoho T^T
BalasPadamalololo..takpe..ada masa lagi han..tggu hari selasa haha
Padamwow.. terbaek.. sedap.. hehe
BalasPadamsedap smpai menangis haha
PadamSemua nampak sedap2 dan pedas semuanya..
BalasPadamkan! beef mmg terbaik la...yg len so so je hahaha
Padammasih belum berkesempatan merasa
BalasPadamtakpa byk lagi masa
PadamTerima kasih kerana sudi singgah di teratak kecil ejulz yang x seberapa :)
BalasPadam1. Senarai Pengomen Tegar APRIL 2018
wah! ade naik nama lagi ke...alololo...terharu haha
PadamTak berani nak test.. Sebab tak makan pedas.. Hehehe..
BalasPadampatot la...tak makan pedas...jgn la cuba berapi nnti haha
PadamAlaa teringinnya.. esok nak order la....
BalasPadamtu dia terus order tuh hahaha..terliur sgt tuh..bgus2 online je